I see people using gulp with webpack. But then I read webpack can replace gulp? I'm completely confused here...can someone explain?
in the end I started with gulp. I was new to modern front-end and just wanted to get up and running quick. Now that I've got my feet quite wet after more than a year, I'm ready to move to webpack. I suggest the same route for people who start off in the same shoes. Not saying you can't try webpack but just sayin if it seems complicated start with gulp first...nothing wrong with that.
If you don't want gulp, yes there's grunt but you could also just specify commands in your package.json and call them from the command-line without a task runner just to get up and running initially. For example:
"scripts": {
"babel": "babel src -d build",
"browserify": "browserify build/client/app.js -o dist/client/scripts/app.bundle.js",
"build": "npm run clean && npm run babel && npm run prepare && npm run browserify",
"clean": "rm -rf build && rm -rf dist",
"copy:server": "cp build/server.js dist/server.js",
"copy:index": "cp src/client/index.html dist/client/index.html",
"copy": "npm run copy:server && npm run copy:index",
"prepare": "mkdir -p dist/client/scripts/ && npm run copy",
"start": "node dist/server"
This answer might help. Task Runners (Gulp, Grunt, etc) and Bundlers (Webpack, Browserify). Why use together?
...and here's an example of using webpack from within a gulp task. This goes a step further and assumes that your webpack config is written in es6.
var gulp = require('gulp');
var webpack = require('webpack');
var gutil = require('gutil');
var babel = require('babel/register');
var config = require(path.join('../..', 'webpack.config.es6.js'));
gulp.task('webpack-es6-test', function(done){
function onBuild(done) {
return function(err, stats) {
if (err) {
gutil.log('Error', err);
if (done) {
} else {
Object.keys(stats.compilation.assets).forEach(function(key) {
gutil.log('Webpack: output ', gutil.colors.green(key));
gutil.log('Webpack: ', gutil.colors.blue('finished ', stats.compilation.name));
if (done) {
I think you'll find that as your app gets more complicated, you might want to use gulp with a webpack task as per example above. This allows you to do a few more interesting things in your build that webpack loaders and plugins really don't do, ie. creating output directories, starting servers, etc. Well, to be succinct, webpack actually can do those things, but you might find them limited for your long term needs. One of the biggest advantages you get from gulp -> webpack is that you can customize your webpack config for different environments and have gulp do the right task for the right time. Its really up to you, but there's nothing wrong with running webpack from gulp, in fact there's some pretty interesting examples of how to do it. The example above is basically from jlongster.