How to unit test console output with mocha on nodejs?

Kemel Zaidan picture Kemel Zaidan · Jun 3, 2015 · Viewed 43.8k times · Source

Take into account the following example Javascript code below:

function privateFunction (time) {
  if (time < 12) { console.log('Good morning'); }
  if (time >= 12 && time <19) { console.log('Good afternoon'); }
  else { console.log('Good night!'); }

How should I unit test that on nodejs using mocha (and possibly sinonjs), noticing that this is a private function called inside a module? I need to pass in the argument and check if the function is logging the right thing to the console.

Can I do the same with console.warn and console.error?


robertklep picture robertklep · Jun 3, 2015

I prefer mocha-sinon over "plain" sinon because it integrates nicely with Mocha.


var expect = require('chai').expect;

// Function to test, can also be in another file and as long as it's
// being called through some public interface it should be testable.
// If it's not in any way exposed/exported, testing will be problematic.
function privateFunction (time) {
  if (time < 12) { console.log('Good morning'); }
  if (time >= 12 && time <19) { console.log('Good afternoon'); }
  else { console.log('Good night!'); }

describe('privateFunction()', function() {

  beforeEach(function() {
    this.sinon.stub(console, 'log');

  it('should log "Good morning" for hours < 12', function() {
    expect( console.log.calledOnce );
    expect( console.log.calledWith('Good morning') );

  it('should log "Good afternoon" for hours >= 12 and < 19', function() {
    expect( console.log.calledOnce );
    expect( console.log.calledWith('Good afternoon') );

  it('should log "Good night!" for hours >= 19', function() {
    expect( console.log.calledOnce );
    expect( console.log.calledWith('Good night!') );


One potential issue: some Mocha reporters use console.log as well, so the tests that stub it may not yield any output.

There's a workaround, but it's not ideal either because it will intersperse Mocha output with the output from privateFunction(). If that's not a problem, replace beforeEach() with this:

beforeEach(function() {
  var log = console.log;
  this.sinon.stub(console, 'log', function() {
    return log.apply(log, arguments);