Node.js "passport-google-oauth2" delivers "failed to fetch user profile" error in Express application

alesscor picture alesscor · May 10, 2015 · Viewed 11.7k times · Source

While developing the last example of a 's introductory book (an application using authentication strategy by Google OpenID), after replacing the passport-google package (which got obsolete on April 20th, 2015) with passport-google-oauth2 package (authentication strategy by Google OAuth 2.0) and having followed the indications at its documentation's page and an example here; I got the below error after selecting my Google+ account, which was thrown by the oath2.js module, concretely calling this._oauth2.get("",...) within userProfile(accessToken, done) method. The related source code and module dependencies are below.

What could be the root of the problem?

The concrete error is:

InternalOAuthError: failed to fetch user profile
    at <...>\web-app\b4\node_modules\passport-google-oauth2\lib\oauth2.js:92:28
    at passBackControl (<...>\web-app\b4\node_modules\passport-google-oauth2\node_modules\passport-oauth2\node_modules\oauth\lib\oauth2.js:124:9)
    at IncomingMessage.<anonymous> (<...>\web-app\b4\node_modules\passport-google-oauth2\node_modules\passport-oauth2\node_modules\oauth\lib\oauth2.js:143:7)
    at IncomingMessage.emit (events.js:129:20)
    at _stream_readable.js:908:16
    at process._tickCallback (node.js:355:11)

The related application's code is:

  passport = require('passport'),
  GoogleStrategy = require('passport-google-oauth2').Strategy; // #passport-google-oauth2
  /***** #passport-google-oauth2 vv *****/
  passport.use(new GoogleStrategy({
    clientID: "a_specific_value",
    clientSecret: "another_specific_value",
    callbackURL: "",
  function(request, accessToken, refreshToken, profile, done) {;
      return done(null, profile);
  /***** #passport-google-oauth2 ^^ *****/
  /*****  #passport-google-oauth2 vv    *****/
  passport.authenticate('google', { successRedirect: '/',scope:
    [ '']})
  app.get( '/auth/google/callback',
    passport.authenticate( 'google', {
        successRedirect: '/',
        failureRedirect: '/'
  /*****  #passport-google-oauth2 ^^    *****/    

The application has the following dependencies:

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alesscor picture alesscor · May 10, 2015

I just fortunately found a similar issue at jaredhanson/passport-google-oauth, which gave me the idea to go to the Google's project console and simply enable the Google+ API, which was "turned off" (oh me!!, naive developer of his first application based on Google+). That was the root of the problem. I tried again and the oauth2 started receiving profiles correctly.