How to make transactions with sails.js/waterline?

wonglik picture wonglik · Jan 15, 2015 · Viewed 7.2k times · Source

I am trying to put my queries into transaction and I am failing in runtime. Error I am getting is :

Object #<bound> has no method 'transaction'

I tried to follow this "documentation".

In short my model looks like that :

updateOrCreate: function (profile_id, positive,negative) {
  var deferred = Q.defer();

  Reputation.transaction().findOne().where({profile: profile_id}).then(function (rep) {
    if (rep) {
      // Reputation logic (err) {deferred.resolve();});
    } else {
      // Reputation does not exist. Create.
      Reputation.create({profile: profile_id, positive: positive,negative:negative}).exec(function (e, rep) {
  }).fail(function (err) {deferred.reject()});

  return deferred.promise;

any ideas what did I do wrong?




edrian picture edrian · Jun 26, 2017

This is now supported in sails v1 (not official release yet at June 26, 2017). You can follow this link for documentation in Datastore.transaction()

In doc above is the following example:

.transaction(function (db, proceed) {

  BankAccount.findOne({ owner: req.session.userId }).usingConnection(db)
  .exec(function (err, myAccount) {
    if (err) { return proceed(err); }
    if (!myAccount) { return proceed(new Error('Consistency violation: Database is corrupted-- logged in user record has gone missing')); }

    BankAccount.findOne({ owner: req.param('recipientId') }).usingConnection(db)
    .exec(function (err, recipientAccount) {
      if (err) { return proceed(err); }
      if (!recipientAccount) {
        err = new Error('There is no recipient with that id');
        err.code = 'E_NO_SUCH_RECIPIENT';
        return proceed(err);

      // Do the math to subtract from the logged-in user's account balance,
      // and add to the recipient's bank account balance.
      var myNewBalance = myAccount.balance - req.param('amount');

      // If this would put the logged-in user's account balance below zero,
      // then abort.  (The transaction will be rolled back automatically.)
      if (myNewBalance < 0) {
        err = new Error('Insufficient funds');
        err.code = 'E_INSUFFICIENT_FUNDS';
        return proceed(err);

      // Update the current user's bank account
      BankAccount.update({ owner: req.session.userId })
        balance: myNewBalance
      .exec(function (err) {
        if (err) { return proceed(err); }

        // Update the recipient's bank account
        BankAccount.update({ owner: req.param('recipientId') })
          balance: recipientAccount.balance + req.param('amount')
        .exec(function (err) {
          if (err) { return proceed(err); }
          return proceed();

  // At this point, we know that, if our code above passed through
  // an error to `proceed`, Sails took care of rolling back the
  // transaction.  Otherwise, it committed it to the database.
  if (err && err.code === 'E_INSUFFICIENT_FUNDS') {
    return res.badRequest(err);
  else if (err && err.code === 'E_NO_SUCH_RECIPIENT') {
    return res.notFound();
  else if (err) {
    return res.serverError(err);

  // All done!
  return res.ok();
