Node Red not automatically loading flows

slaveCoder picture slaveCoder · Sep 29, 2014 · Viewed 7.6k times · Source

I have succesfully installed nodered on my raspberry-pi.But the problem is each time i write a flow,i have to save the flow into flows_raspberrypi.json and restart nodered server. How to make it automatically save the nodes.


hardillb picture hardillb · Sep 29, 2014

2 possible things.

1) If you created there flow file by hand then you probably need to create a file called flows_raspberrypi_creds.json containing:


2) assuming no errors in either the flow file or the creds file then node-red will load a file based on the machines hostname to start with, you can override this by passing a name on the command line:

$node red bob

will load bob.json & bob_creds.json

If neither of those work run node red -v to show more detailed error messages.