I am trying to load the dimensions of an image from url. So far I've tried using GraphicsMagick
but it gives me ENOENT
Here's the code so far I've written.
var gm = require('gm');
gm(img.attribs.src).size(function (err, size) {
if (!err) {
if( size.width>200 && size.height>200)
console.log('Save this image');
Where img.attribs.src
contains the url source path
of the image.
value of img.attribs.src
https://github.com/nodeca/probe-image-size it does exactly you asked about, without heavy dependencies. Also, it downloads only necessary peace of files.
var probe = require('probe-image-size');
probe('http://example.com/image.jpg', function (err, result) {
// => {
// width: xx,
// height: yy,
// type: 'jpg',
// mime: 'image/jpeg',
// wUnits: 'px',
// hUnits: 'px'
// }
Disclaimer: I am the author of this package.