Does anybody know how can I get members with scores by node redis? I tried something like this:
client.ZRANGE(key, 0, -1, withscores, function(err, replies) {
This code looks good. Check out the following link for retrieving what you want :
Added the code here from that link example in case it is ever removed.
var rc=require('redis').createClient();
var _=require('underscore');
rc.zincrby('myset', 1, 'usera');
rc.zincrby('myset', 5, 'userb');
rc.zincrby('myset', 3, 'userc');
rc.zrevrange('myset', 0, -1, 'withscores', function(err, members) {
// the resulting members would be something like
// ['userb', '5', 'userc', '3', 'usera', '1']
// use the following trick to convert to
// [ [ 'userb', '5' ], [ 'userc', '3' ], [ 'usera', '1' ] ]
// learned the trick from
var lists=_.groupBy(members, function(a,b) {
return Math.floor(b/2);
console.log( _.toArray(lists) );