I am testing an express API with supertest.
I couldn't get multiple requests in a test case to work with supertest. Below is what i tried in a test case. But the test case seem to only execute the last call which is the HTTP GET.
it('should respond to GET with added items', function(done) {
var agent = request(app);
agent.get('/player').set("Accept", "application/json")
.end(function(err, res) {
Anything i am missing here, or is there another way to chain http calls with superagent?
Tried to put this in a comment above, formatting wasn't working out.
I'm using async, which is really standard and works really well.
it('should respond to only certain methods', function(done) {
function(cb) { request(app).get('/').expect(404, cb); },
function(cb) { request(app).get('/new').expect(200, cb); },
function(cb) { request(app).post('/').send({prop1: 'new'}).expect(404, cb); },
function(cb) { request(app).get('/0').expect(200, cb); },
function(cb) { request(app).get('/0/edit').expect(404, cb); },
function(cb) { request(app).put('/0').send({prop1: 'new value'}).expect(404, cb); },
function(cb) { request(app).delete('/0').expect(404, cb); },
], done);