I want to check the authorization of the users of my web app when they entered the url. But when I used an individually middleware to check the authorization, it's useless for the already existing routes, such as:
function authChecker(req, res, next) {
if (req.session.auth) {
} else {
app.get("/", routes.index);
app.get("/foo/bar", routes.foobar);
The authChecker is unabled to check the authority of the users who entered the two urls. It only works for the unspecified urls.
And I saw a method that I can put the authChecker between the route and the route handler, such as:
app.get("/", authChecker, routes.index);
But How can I achieve it in a simple way rather than putting the authChecker in every route?
As long as
is before
it will get called for every request. However, you will get the "too many redirects" because it is being called for ALL ROUTES, including /auth. So in order to get around this, I would suggest modifying the function to something like:
function authChecker(req, res, next) {
if (req.session.auth || req.path==='/auth') {
} else {
This way you won't redirect for the auth url as well.