What's the use of Jade or Handlebars when writing AngularJs apps

Jay Pete picture Jay Pete · Aug 11, 2013 · Viewed 46.9k times · Source

I am new(ish) to the whole javascript full stack applications, and completely new to Angular, so I was hoping somebody can put the record straight for me here.

Why would I need to use a templating framework like Jade or Handlebars when writing client side apps using AngularJS.

I should say that I have never used any of these templating frameworks either. So I am not familiar with the advantages completely. But when I look at Handlebars for example, it does many of the same things as I would do in Angular, such as looping etc.

As far as I can tell, it would make most sense to create the templates in Angular using proper HTML and then do all templating client side, and combine this with an API first approach using node and mongo for example.

The reason for this confusion is that a lot of the examples I find on GitHub make use of Jade, and it seems counter intuitive for me.

Please enlighten me, and set me straight. I would love to learn some best practices from people who know much more than I do.



thatmarvin picture thatmarvin · Aug 11, 2013

I use Jade to generate templates consumed by AngularJS because I hate writing plain HTML. It looks something like:

  ng-class='{"ng-error": emailGroup.$invalid}'
  label.control-label Email
      placeholder='[email protected]'

… which I think is a lot cleaner than plain HTML.