Grunt debugging from Webstorm

Kamal Reddy picture Kamal Reddy · Jun 11, 2013 · Viewed 19.1k times · Source

Its possible to run grunt tasks within WebStorm through external tools. However, is it possible to avail debugging with external tools? By running tasks like grunt server or grunt test within WebStorm, it would make debugging a lot easier if it's possible with external tools like grunt.


Diego picture Diego · Jul 3, 2013

You have to run grunt-cli as a Node application:

  • Create a new Node.js Run/Debug configuration: Run->Edit configurations...
  • In Path to Node choose your node binary, ie: /Users/someuser/nvm/v0.10.5/bin/node
  • In Working Directory, choose your Gruntfile.js directory, ie /Projects/someproject
  • In Path to Node App JS File, choose your Grunt CLI path (you can choose the grunt-cli symlink created on your node bin directory, WebStorm will use the symlink target), ie: /Users/someuser/nvm/v0.10.5/lib/node_modules/grunt-cli/bin/grunt (C:\Users\someuser\AppData\Roaming\npm\node_modules\grunt-cli\bin\grunt on Windows 7)
  • In Application parameters enter the Grunt task to run, eg default or test

Click on Run or Debug and you are done :)