Node.js + Express + Handlebars.js + partial views

Artem Yarulin picture Artem Yarulin · May 5, 2013 · Viewed 51.1k times · Source

I am trying to make a simple HelloWorld project with Node.js|Express using Handlebars.js as a server template engine.

The problem is that I couldn't find any examples of using such chain, especially with multiple view.

For example I would like to define header view:

  <span>Hello: {{username}}</span>

And use it in every page with other views.

Maybe I am thinking about this views in a wrong way, I thought that view is kind of control that I can reuse on any page inside any other view.

I appreciate any link to the tutorial or (much better) open source project that I can lear from.


Tristan Isfeld picture Tristan Isfeld · Nov 30, 2016

I know this had been asked a long time ago, but no one has shown an answer in this post. So I will do so here. To ensure everyone is on the same page, I will be verbose in my answer. I apologize in advance if it seems overly simplistic.

In your server.js file (or app.js, wherever you defined handlebars as your view engine). Depending on what you are using as your npm package, such as hbs or express-handlebars etc. it may look different, but similar to this. Note: I'm using express-handlebars in this example.

file: server.js

var express     = require( 'express'),
    hbs         = require( 'express-handlebars' ),
    app         = express();

app.engine( 'hbs', hbs( { 
  extname: 'hbs', 
  defaultLayout: 'main', 
  layoutsDir: __dirname + '/views/layouts/',
  partialsDir: __dirname + '/views/partials/'
} ) );

app.set( 'view engine', 'hbs' );


and your file structure should look something like this:

| /views/   
|--- /layouts/
|----- main.hbs
|--- /partials/
|----- header.hbs
|----- footer.hbs
|----- ... etc.
|--- index.hbs
| server.js

And your main.hbs file should look like this:

file: main.hbs

{{> header }}
<span> various other stuff </span>
{{> footer }}

To denote a partial you use this syntax: {{> partialsNames }}.