Mock/Test Mongodb Database Node.js

GTDev picture GTDev · Apr 30, 2012 · Viewed 16.7k times · Source

I am learning nodejs and I have a mongodb database with which i have to interact with. I am currently thinking of using mocha for a unit test framework and zombie.js for a acceptance test framework. I was wondering how could I do full scale acceptance tests which hit the mongodb database. Is there a framework/module that helps with replacing the database with a test database or does either mocha or zombie.js have functionality that can easily be used to replace the database.

Also is there a framework that is similar to the idea of factories (instead of fixtures) in creating database objects.

A similar concept that I have encountered in the rails world is in rspec, there is a spec_helper.rb file which runs before the tests are run which set the projects configuration to decide which database to hit when running tests. And it uses database_cleaner to clean out the test database before tests are run. For factories, i have used Factory girl to create factory objects from database schema again in the rails world.



christkv picture christkv · Apr 30, 2012

There are some

but you might want to just search on github or ask in the google group as well.