Top "Nlp" questions

Natural language processing (NLP) is a subfield of artificial intelligence that involves transforming or extracting useful information from natural language data.

Python - RegEx for splitting text into sentences (sentence-tokenizing)

I want to make a list of sentences from a string and then print them out. I don't want to …

python regex nlp tokenize
N-gram generation from a sentence

How to generate an n-gram of a string like: String Input="This is my car." I want to generate n-gram …

java lucene nlp n-gram
NLTK Named Entity recognition to a Python list

I used NLTK's ne_chunk to extract named entities from a text: my_sent = "WASHINGTON -- In the wake of …

python nlp nltk named-entity-recognition
Sentiment analysis for Twitter in Python

I'm looking for an open source implementation, preferably in python, of Textual Sentiment Analysis (…

python machine-learning nlp open-source sentiment-analysis
Ordinal numbers replacement

I am currently looking for the way to replace words like first, second, third,...with appropriate ordinal number representation (1st, 2…

python nlp nltk ordinals
Practical examples of NLTK use

I'm playing around with the Natural Language Toolkit (NLTK). Its documentation (Book and HOWTO) are quite bulky and the examples …

python nlp nltk
How to detect language of user entered text?

I am dealing with an application that is accepting user input in different languages (currently 3 languages fixed). The requirement is …

java nlp language-detection
Algorithm to determine how positive or negative a statement/text is

I need an algorithm to determine if a sentence, paragraph or article is negative or positive in tone... or better …

algorithm nlp
Looking for Java spell checker library

I am looking for an open source Java spell checking library which has dictionaries for at least the following languages: …

java nlp spell-checking languagetool