Top "Nio" questions

NIO is Java 'New I/O' introduced in 1.4, providing non-blocking and multiplexed network I/O; 'direct' (native) buffers; file locks and mapped files; and character set codecs.

Fast ByteBuffer to CharBuffer or char[]

What is the fastest method to convert a java.nio.ByteBuffer a into a (newly created) CharBuffer b or char[] …

java bytearray nio bytebuffer arrays
Files.walk(), calculate total size

I'm trying to calculate the size of the files on my disc. In java-7 this could be done using Files.…

java nio java-8 java-stream
Why does 'File.exists' return true, even though 'Files.exists' in the NIO 'Files' class returns false

I am trying to determine if a file exists in a network folder: // File name is "\\QWERTY\folder\dir\A123456.…

java file nio file-exists
Asynchronous HTTP client with Netty

I'm new to netty and still strugling to find my way. I'm looking to create an http client that works …

java http asynchronous nio netty
convert a LongBuffer/IntBuffer/ShortBuffer to ByteBuffer

I know a quick way to convert a byte/short/int/long array to ByteBuffer, and then obtain a byte …

java arrays bytearray nio
Servlet API implementation using Netty

Has anyone made a Servlet API implementation built on top of Netty? I'm tempted to build my own as I …

java servlets nio netty
Quickest way to use common OpenOption combinations

Is there a concise, idiomatic way (maybe using Apache Commons) to specify common combinations of OpenOption like StandardOpenOption.WRITE, StandardOpenOption.…

java nio nio2
Getting FileSystemException "A required privilege is not held by the client" using Files.createSymbolicLink in Play Framework

I'm trying to use the new Java 7 Files.createSymbolicLink() method within Play! Framework, and I got the following exception: RuntimeException …

java permissions playframework nio java-7
Jetty IOException: Too many open files

I'm running Jetty on a website doing around 100 requests/sec, with nginx in front. I just noticed in the logs, …

java jetty nio ioexception
Difference between Files#delete(Path) and File#delete()

I'm using Windows-7 with java 7 update 6 and found this weird (at least to me) behavior - I have two files …

java file-io nio