GitLab issuing temporary IP bans - 403 forbidden

Blazing picture Blazing · Mar 30, 2016 · Viewed 25.1k times · Source

My GitLab instance setup will occasionally put in place an IP ban on our own IP address, resulting in all our users in the office getting 403 / Forbidden on any web page or git request.

The ban is being put in place as a result of repeated errors authenticating, which is a separate problem altogether, but I would like to prevent our own IP address from being IP banned. It lasts for about one hour.

In the nginx logs, nothing unusual pops up in the gitlab_access.log or gitlab_error.log files. The server is still running, and external IP addresses are unaffected while the ban is in place.

I would like to be able to whitelist our own IP address, or to be able to disable the ban once it occurs (restarting gitlab doesn't remove the ban). If neither of these are possible, then just finding the setting to tweak the ban duration down from one hour would be OK too.


jonatan picture jonatan · Aug 21, 2016

We are running Gitlab EE and for us this issue was caused by a combination of using git lfs inside a build on a Gitlab CI runner, and having installed the rack-attack gem on the Gitlab server.


In order to work around an issue with git-lfs 1.2.1 (where it insisted on requiring username and password despite cloning a public repository), the build contained this line:

git clone https://fakeuser:[email protected]/group/repo.git

On build, this resulted in every LFS request from the runner triggering a login attempt with fakeuser, which obviously failed every time. However, since no login was actually required by the server, the client could continue downloading the files using LFS, and the build passed.


The IP banning started when the package rack-attack was installed. By default, after 10 failed login attempts, rack-attack bans the origin IP for one hour. This resulted in all runners being completely blocked from Gitlab (even visiting the web page from the runner would return 403 Forbidden).

Workaround (insecure)

A short-term workaround, if the servers (Gitlab runners in our case) are trusted, is to add the servers' IPs to a whitelist in the rack-attack configuration. Adjusting the ban time, or allowing more failed attempts, is also possible.

Example configuration in /etc/gitlab/gitlab.rb:

gitlab_rails['rack_attack_git_basic_auth'] = {
  'enabled' => true,
  'ip_whitelist' => ["", ""],
  'maxretry' => 10,
  'findtime' => 60,
  'bantime' => 600

In this example, we are whitelisting the servers and, and adjusting down the ban time from one hour to 10 minutes (600 seconds). maxretry = 10 allows a user to get the password wrong 10 times before ban, and findtime = 60 means that the failed attempts counter resets after 60 seconds.

Then, you should reconfigure gitlab before changes take effect: sudo gitlab-ctl reconfigure

More details, and for the YAML version of the config example, see gitlab.yml.example.

NOTE: whitelisting servers is insecure, as it fully disables blocking/throttling on the whitelisted IPs.


The solution to this problem should be to stop the failing login attempts, or possibly just reduce the ban time, as whitelisting leaves Gitlab vulnerable to password brute-force attacks from all whitelisted servers.