I got a problem with my server. I got four inbound links to different sites of my dynamic webpage which look something like this:
They should look like this:
I do know that those %3F
is an escape sequence for the ?
sign and the %3D
is an escape sequence for the equal sign. But I do get an error 400 when I use those links. What can I do about that?
The four links are for different sites, and I imagine over time there will be more links like that. So one fix for all would be perfect.
An exact same question was actually asked on nginx-ru mailing list about a year ago:
The most helpful response, by an Nginx, Inc, employee/developer, Валентин Бартенев:
Если запрос приходит в таком виде, то это уже не параметры, а имя запрошенного файла. Другое дело, что location ищется по уже раскодированному адресу, о чем в документации написано.
If the request comes in such a form, then these are no longer the args, but the name of the requested file. Another thing is that, as documented, the location matching is performed against a normalised URI.
His suggested solution, translated to the sample example from the question here at SO, would then be:
location /default/Site? {
rewrite \?(.*)$ /default/Site?$1? last;
location = /default/Site {