Top "Nginx-ingress" questions

ingress-nginx is an NGINX controller built around the Kubernetes Ingress resource that uses ConfigMap to store the NGINX configuration.

nginx ingress sub path redirection

I have an ingress controller and ingress resource running with all /devops mapped to devopsservice in the backend. When I …

nginx kubernetes kubernetes-ingress nginx-ingress
Ingress controller to route TCP traffic

I'm trying to setup an ingress controller(nginx) to forward some TCP traffic to a kubernetes service(GCP). There's this …

nginx tcp kubernetes google-cloud-platform nginx-ingress
How to fix "503 Service Temporarily Unavailable"

FYI: I run Kubernetes on docker desktop for mac The website based on Nginx image I run 2 simple website deployments …

kubernetes kubernetes-ingress nginx-ingress docker-desktop
Kubernetes ingress domain redirect

i want to redirect domain in nginx ingress kubernete. if in url preview …

docker kubernetes kubernetes-ingress nginx-ingress
What is the Best way to Setup Proxy Pass in an Nginx Ingress object for Kubernetes

Currently I am trying to Migrate a site that was living on an Apache Load balanced Server to my k8…

nginx kubernetes proxy kubernetes-ingress nginx-ingress
Istio and (or versus) Nginx Ingress Controller

I'am on a journey of testing Istio and at the moment I'am about to test the "canary" capabilities of routing …

istio nginx-ingress
How can I access nginx ingress on my local?

I can't connect to my app running with nginx ingress (Docker Desktop win 10). The nginx-ingress controller pod is running, the …

docker kubernetes nginx-ingress docker-desktop
nginx-ingress config map snippets being ignored by the nginx.conf

I have a kubernetes cluster, where I have deployed an nginx ingress controller using the helm nginx-ingress chart. I need …

nginx kubernetes yaml kubernetes-ingress nginx-ingress
Kubernetes ingress-nginx gives 502 error (Bad Gateway)

I have an EKS cluster for which I want : - 1 Load Balancer per cluster, - Ingress rules to direct to …

kubernetes kubernetes-ingress nginx-ingress amazon-eks