I want to design a convolutional neural network which occupy GPU resource no more than Alexnet.I want to use FLOPs to measure it but I don't know how to calculate it.Is there any tools to do it,please?
For future visitors, if you use Keras and TensorFlow as Backend then you can try the following example. It calculates the FLOPs for the MobileNet.
import tensorflow as tf
import keras.backend as K
from keras.applications.mobilenet import MobileNet
run_meta = tf.RunMetadata()
with tf.Session(graph=tf.Graph()) as sess:
net = MobileNet(alpha=.75, input_tensor=tf.placeholder('float32', shape=(1,32,32,3)))
opts = tf.profiler.ProfileOptionBuilder.float_operation()
flops = tf.profiler.profile(sess.graph, run_meta=run_meta, cmd='op', options=opts)
opts = tf.profiler.ProfileOptionBuilder.trainable_variables_parameter()
params = tf.profiler.profile(sess.graph, run_meta=run_meta, cmd='op', options=opts)
print("{:,} --- {:,}".format(flops.total_float_ops, params.total_parameters))