How can I use TCPDump on Unix to view messages sent to a specific multicast address?

John Humphreys - w00te picture John Humphreys - w00te · Oct 28, 2011 · Viewed 61.1k times · Source

I'm trying to view traffic transmitted to a specific multicast address on a network in order to analyze a protocol we're using.

I don't have Wireshark available on the setup (unfortunately). TCPDump is available though. So, can anyone show me a command have TCPDump filter to only view messages transmitted to a secific multicast group address?


Anders Lindahl picture Anders Lindahl · Oct 28, 2011

I believe this should be enough for a specific group:

tcpdump -i eth0 -s0 -vv host

All multicast traffic:

tcpdump -i eth0 -s0 -vv net