adding Virtual PC 2007 to host network

user96403 picture user96403 · Apr 27, 2009 · Viewed 8.2k times · Source

I am using Virtual PC 2007 with Windows xp Pro as the Guest. Is it possible to add the Virtual PC to the network of the guest PC and to the domain of the Guest PC? I enabled NAT shared networking but that only allows internet access on the guest.. Thanks


Piskvor left the building picture Piskvor left the building · Apr 27, 2009

This shouldn't be a problem when you add the guest to host's physical adapter:

In the settings for your VM, go to Networking and instead of "Shared networking (NAT)", select the NIC that's connected to the network on your host (e.g. "Realtek RTL8116 Gigabit Ethernet", or whatever your NIC is; this is equivalent to VMWare's Bridged Mode). That way, the guest will appear as a real computer on your network, and will work like a physical box on the network.

IIRC, MS VPC bypasses the default Windows firewall on the host, so only the guest's firewall applies; for other FW products, you may need to enable something like "permit packets not destined for this host".