In NetBeans the GUI Builder generates code that is off limits to you from the editor.
I know you can switch to Design Mode and specify custom code and then enter edit in indirectly that way, but it's a pain to not be able to edit text that's 2 lines from your cursor.
Can I allow editing within those regions... I promise I'll be careful :)
Note: I don't want to lose code generation
If you open the .java files in Notepad or WordPad, you'll find pairs of comments that say
// GEN-BEGIN: <name of section>
// GEN-END: <name of section>
Delete those comments, and two things will happen.
So it can be done, but don't do it unless you really mean it.
EDIT: "Note: I don't want to lose code generation." Ok, let's see here.
It sounds like you're wishing yourself trouble. :D