Top "Nested-lists" questions

This tag refers to a structure in which two or more lists are placed in a "nested" form (i.e. one list is contained within another).

HTML/CSS multilevel nested lists numbering

Is there a way to achieve the below numbering using straight HTML and CSS lists (<ul> or <…

html css html-lists nested-lists
Split a list into nested lists on a value

Say I have a list like so: [1, 4, None, 6, 9, None, 3, 9, 4] I decide to split this into nested lists on None, to …

python list-comprehension nested-lists
Group objects with matching properties into Lists

I have a List of objects in C#. All the objects contain properties code1 and code2 (among other properties). Example: …

c# list object nested-lists linq-group
For loop for second items in list of lists only. (python)

What I have is something like this def mymethod(): return [[1,2,3,4], [1,2,3,4], [1,2,3,4], [1,2,3,4]] mylist = mymethod() for _, thing, _, _ in mylist: print thing # this bit …

python coding-style for-loop nested-lists
android nested recyclerview

I m trying to display nested recyclerview but the child items does not display. I want to display different items …

android nested-lists android-recyclerview
Mapping a nested list with List Comprehension in Python?

I have the following code which I use to map a nested list in Python to produce a list with …

python list list-comprehension nested-lists map-function
Replace a string in list of lists

I have a list of lists of strings like: example = [["string 1", "a\r\ntest string:"],["string 1", "test 2: another\r\ntest …

python list python-3.x replace nested-lists
is there a way to pass nested initializer lists in C++11 to construct a 2D matrix?

Imagine you have a simple matrix class template <typename T = double> class Matrix { T* data; size_t row, …

c++ c++11 nested-lists initializer-list
How to create a nested-list of categories in Laravel?

How can I create a nested list of categories in Laravel? I want to create something like this: --- Php …

php laravel nested-lists
HTML CSS how do I underline every li in a nested list

Based on w3c the correct way in HTML for a nested list is. <ul> <li>…

html css nested-lists