Naming conventions refer to general rules governing names assigned to programming constructs such as variables and methods.
I thought about this awhile ago and it recently resurfaced as my shop is doing its first real Java web …
java naming-conventions packagesFor a file containing the given class, SomeCoolClass, what would be the proper or standard filename? 1. somecoolclass.rb 2. some_cool_…
ruby file naming-conventions conventionsI was just hit with a minor issue in C#, it was just a copy-paste mistake but don't know how …
c# naming-conventions identifierI am (probably) NOT referring to the "all other variables" meaning like var1~. here. I was pointed to plyr once …
r coding-style naming-conventions plyrIn Swift, it seems that global constants should be camelCase. For example: let maximumNumberOfLoginAttempts = 10 Is that correct? I'm used to …
naming-conventions constants swift globalWhat should cookie names look like? Should they be: lower_case CamelCase Underscore_Camel_Case UPPER_CASE Or should they …
php cookies naming-conventionsWhen I want to comment code about control Enable/Disable and when I want to discuss with people about the …
naming-conventions terminologyFirst, I know this question has been asked several times before and that in the end, it is mostly a …
c# naming-conventions private-membersI'm working on an MVVM project, so I have folders in my project like Models, ViewModels, Windows, etc. Whenever I …
c# visual-studio naming-conventions namespacesI'm flip-flopping between naming conventions for typedef'ing the boost::shared_ptr template. For example: typedef boost::shared_ptr<Foo&…
c++ boost naming-conventions shared-ptr