Splitting a Clojure namespace over multiple files

Ralph picture Ralph · Jan 14, 2011 · Viewed 10.5k times · Source

Is it possible to split a Clojure namespace over multiple source files when doing ahead-of-time compilation with :gen-class? How do (:main true) and (defn- ...) come into play?


Chouser picture Chouser · Jan 14, 2011


Certainly you can, in fact clojure.core namespace itself is split up this way and provides a good model which you can follow by looking in src/clj/clojure:


All these files participate to build up the single clojure.core namespace.

Primary File

One of these is the primary file, named to match the namespace name so that it will be found when someone mentions it in a :use or :require. In this case the main file is clojure/core.clj, and it starts with an ns form. This is where you should put all your namespace configuration, regardless of which of your other files may need them. This normally includes :gen-class as well, so something like:

(ns my.lib.of.excellence
  (:use [clojure.java.io :as io :only [reader]])
  (:gen-class :main true))

Then at appropriate places in your primary file (most commonly all at the end) use load to bring in your helper files. In clojure.core it looks like this:

(load "core_proxy")
(load "core_print")
(load "genclass")
(load "core_deftype")
(load "core/protocols")
(load "gvec")

Note that you don't need the current directory as a prefix, nor do you need the .clj suffix.

Helper files

Each of the helper files should start by declaring which namespace they're helping, but should do so using the in-ns function. So for the example namespace above, the helper files would all start with:

(in-ns 'my.lib.of.excellence)

That's all it takes.


Because all these files are building a single namespace, each function you define can be in any of the primary or helper files. This of course means you can define your gen-class functions in any file you'd like:

(defn -main [& args]

Note that Clojure's normal order-of-definition rules still apply for all functions, so you need to make sure that whatever file defines a function is loaded before you try to use that function.

Private Vars

You also asked about the (defn- foo ...) form which defines a namespace-private function. Functions defined like this as well as other :private vars are visible from within the namespace where they're defined, so the primary and all helper files will have access to private vars defined in any of the files loaded so far.