Top "Mysql2" questions

The Mysql2 gem is meant to serve the extremely common use-case of connecting, querying and iterating on results.

rescuing from Mysql2::Error

I have a simple question. I have a join table which has an index that ensure that (col 1, col 2) is …

ruby-on-rails exception mysql2
Mysql2: close client connection

I am using Mysql2 to query a database on ruby. I initialize the connection by: client = =&…

ruby database connection client mysql2
Rails 3 - Incorrect MySQL client library version! Gem compiled for the wrong client library version

I cloned the github repo, run 'bundle install' and now 'rake db:create'. But I …

mysql ruby-on-rails ruby gem mysql2
Undefined method `accept' for nil:NilClass on rake db:migrate

Using ruby-1.9.2 and rails 3.2.1. The version of mysql2 is 0.2.7. Upon running rake db:migrate I get the error: "undefined method `…

ruby-on-rails ruby mysql2
Unable to install mysql2 gem OS X Mountain Lion

I'm new with RoR and I'm trying to install Mysql2 -v '0.3.11'. I have OS X Mountain Lion, rails 3.2.6 ,…

mysql ruby-on-rails macos gem mysql2
Database not being selected in rails project when attempting to rake db:migrate

Working with a rails app, having some manner of weird database / rake issues. When I execute: rake db:migrate I …

ruby-on-rails ruby-on-rails-3 migration rake mysql2
Start webrick in port 80 (mysql2 gem issue)

I am trying to get my webrick serve in port 80. I tried: rails server -p 80 but get a access denied. …

ruby-on-rails-3 permissions gem webrick mysql2
Cannot install mysql2 gem for Rails project

I've looked at and tried just about everything on the topic here at and still can't figure this …

ruby-on-rails mysql2
Ruby, MySQL2: check if the result is empty

I am using MySQL2 in Ruby to query a database. What is a direct way to check whether the result …

mysql ruby mysql2
Installing mysql2 gem on Mac os x Lion

The other day I updated to Mac OSX Lion. It broke my rails install as I had to re complie …

mysql ruby gem rvm mysql2