Using "." for decimals in zend validator float

José Carlos picture José Carlos · Feb 15, 2012 · Viewed 9.4k times · Source

I have a form with a element called "price". I validate this element with the "float" validator. The thing is when I insert, for example:

12,50 => it is valid but when I try to save it on the DB (mysql) it is saved as "12.00"

So I wanna to change the decimal character from "," to ".". Does anybody knows how??

Note. If I put:

$price->addValidator('Float', 'de')


$validator = new Zend_Validate_Float(array('locale' => 'de'));

It does not work.


Liyali picture Liyali · Feb 15, 2012

You can use a filter Zend_Filter LocalizedToNormalized to it will normalized you localized price according to the user's locale.

A typical price element would be like this one:

$price = new Zend_Form_Element_Text('price');
      ->setAttribs(array('required name' => 'price', 'maxlength' => '12'))
      ->addFilter('pregReplace', array('match' => '/\s+/', 'replace' => ''))
      ->addValidator('stringLength', true, array(1, 12))
      ->addValidator('float', true, array('locale' => 'en_US'))
      ->addValidator('greaterThan', true, array('min' => 0));

Of course, you can improve it and add the validators/filters you need.