ronquiq picture ronquiq · Dec 25, 2011 · Viewed 123.2k times · Source

I've a table like:

| client_id | views | percentage |
|         1 |     6 |         20 |
|         1 |     4 |         55 |
|         1 |     9 |         56 |
|         1 |     2 |         67 |
|         1 |     7 |         80 |
|         1 |     5 |         66 |
|         1 |     3 |         33 |
|         1 |     8 |         34 |
|         1 |     1 |         52 |

I tried group_concat:

SELECT li.client_id, group_concat(li.views) AS views,  
group_concat(li.percentage) FROM li GROUP BY client_id;

| client_id | views             | group_concat(li.percentage) |
|         1 | 6,4,9,2,7,5,3,8,1 | 20,55,56,67,80,66,33,34,52  |

But I want to get the views in order, like:

| client_id | views             | percentage                 |
|         1 | 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9 | 52,67,33,55,66,20,80,34,56 |


aleroot picture aleroot · Dec 25, 2011

You can use ORDER BY inside the GROUP_CONCAT function in this way:

SELECT li.client_id, group_concat(li.percentage ORDER BY li.views ASC) AS views, 
group_concat(li.percentage ORDER BY li.percentage ASC) 
FROM li GROUP BY client_id