Varbinary vs Blob in MySQL

Jimmyb picture Jimmyb · Dec 12, 2011 · Viewed 42.3k times · Source

I have about 2k of raw binary data that I need to store in a table, but don't know whether to choose the Varbinary or Blob type. I have read through the descriptions in the MySQL docs but didn't find any contract and compare descriptions. I also read that varbinary only supports up to 255 characters, but I successfully created a varbinary(2048) field, so I'm a bit confused.

The binary data does not need to be indexed, nor will I need to query on it. Is there an advantage to using one type over the other from PHP?



Romain picture Romain · Dec 12, 2011

VARBINARY is bound to 255 bytes on MySQL 5.0.2 and below, to 65kB on 5.0.3 and above.

BLOB is bound to 65kB.

Ultimately, VARBINARY is virtually the same as BLOB (from the perspective of what can be stored in it), unless you want to preserve compatibility with "old" versions of MySQL. The MySQL Documentation says:

In most respects, you can regard a BLOB column as a VARBINARY column that can be as large as you like.