I know there are lots of bugs like this around here but this query seems to be different, as it's an insert query. Here is the schema for the table card_info:
CREATE TABLE card_info (
card_id mediumint(8) unsigned NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT,
card_name_orig varchar(150) NOT NULL,
card_name_html varchar(150) NOT NULL,
card_name_search varchar(150) NOT NULL,
card_name_page varchar(150) NOT NULL,
card_cost varchar(50) DEFAULT NULL,
card_cost_converted tinyint(2) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0',
card_subtype varchar(75) DEFAULT NULL,
card_oracle_text_orig text,
card_oracle_text_html text,
card_power varchar(10) DEFAULT NULL,
card_toughness varchar(10) DEFAULT NULL,
card_loyalty tinyint(1) DEFAULT NULL,
PRIMARY KEY (card_id),
KEY card_name_nd (card_name_search),
KEY card_name_page (card_name_page),
KEY card_cost_converted (card_cost_converted),
KEY card_power (card_power),
KEY card_toughness (card_toughness),
KEY card_loyalty (card_loyalty),
FULLTEXT KEY card_oracle_text_orig (card_oracle_text_orig),
FULLTEXT KEY card_name_search (card_name_search)
And here is my query:
INSERT INTO card_info (
card_name_orig, card_name_html, card_name_search, card_name_page, card_cost,
card_cost_converted, card_subtype, card_oracle_text_orig, card_oracle_text_html,
card_power, card_toughness, card_loyalty
d.name_orig, d.name_html, d.name_search, d.name_page, d.cost,
COALESCE(d.cost_converted, 0), d.type_sub, d.oracle_text_orig,
d.oracle_text_html, d.`power`, d.toughness, d.loyalty
FROM card_info_de d
LEFT OUTER JOIN card_info i ON d.name_search = i.card_name_search
WHERE i.card_id IS NULL
AND d.edition_id = 'isd'
ORDER BY (d.collector_number + 0), d.collector_number;
If I perform this query, I'm getting this error:
Please note that the value 181a is from the column card_info_de
and it is a VARCHAR(5) field, and that field isn't being inserted to the card_info
table anyway, it's just being used in the order clause of the select query.
If I do the query starting from the SELECT
only, I can see the correct results are being selected, but when I do the insert, it gives me the error above. Do note that If I remove the ORDER BY clause from the SELECT query, it inserts fine. I don't have a clue what I'm doing wrong.
Thanks in advance.
Just hit the same error myself and it is a bit misleading. I found the answer in another thread:
Error Code 1292 - Truncated incorrect DOUBLE value - Mysql
This message means you're trying to compare a number and a string in a
clause. Either make sure they have similar declarations, or use an explicitCAST
to convert the number to a string.If you turn off
mode, the error should turn into a warning.
So basically check for any of these columns being treated as the wrong data type: