MYSQL Temporary Tables - How to view active ones

ddutra picture ddutra · Aug 17, 2011 · Viewed 13.9k times · Source

We have a simple "crm-like" software in our company. There are some complex queries that were taking some time, daily-use queries... so i am testing some modifications to use Temporary Tables to replace all the complex joins and subqueries we need.

So far going really well, got a 90%+ speed.

Since its a web app (codeigniter + mysql), i plan to put it in a "production-test" enviroment so 50% of the users can help me test it. I would like to monitor the tables that are active, and if possible for each connection.

My question is - Is there any way i can view all the TEMPORARY TABLES that are active in the mysql instance? Maybe view its data?

I read something about a PLUGIN or something like, but the article was far to messy and i coudnt understand.

Thanks alot and sorry for my english - not my native lang.


ajreal picture ajreal · Aug 17, 2011

temp table = temporary, it deleted right after the query

there is no direct solution, except logging all the queries and execute one-by-one to exam which query require tmp_table

the system variables like Created_tmp_tables might give some ideas

mysql> show status like '%tmp%';
| Variable_name           | Value |
| Created_tmp_disk_tables | 0     |
| Created_tmp_files       | 0     |
| Created_tmp_tables      | 0     |