What the difference between mysql and mysql2 gem

fl00r picture fl00r · Mar 23, 2011 · Viewed 31.6k times · Source

I used to work with the mysql gem, but often nowadays I hear about the mysql2 gem. Also, it is included in the Gemfile by default in Rails 3.0.x.

What is the difference and advantages of using the mysql2 gem?


ALoR picture ALoR · Mar 23, 2011

Here's a quote from the mysql2 gem page:

Yeah… but why?

Someone: Dude, the Mysql gem works fiiiiiine.

Me: It sure does, but it only hands you nil and strings for field values. Leaving you to convert them into proper Ruby types in Ruby-land - which is slow as balls.

Someone: OK fine, but do_mysql can already give me back values with Ruby objects mapped to MySQL types.

Me: Yep, but its API is considerably more complex and can be ~2x slower.