docker and mysql: Got an error reading communication packets

Terion picture Terion · Feb 23, 2018 · Viewed 7.4k times · Source

I have a problem with connectivity in docker. I use an official mysql 5.7 image and Prisma server. When I start it via prisma cli, that uses docker compose underneath (described here) everything works.

But I need to start this containers programmatically via docker api and in this case connections from app are dropped with [Note] Aborted connection 8 to db: 'unconnected' user: 'root' host: '' (Got an error reading communication packets).

So what I doo:

  1. Creating a bridge network:

    const network = await{
    Name: + '_network',
    IPAM: {
      "Driver": "default",
      "Config": [
          "Subnet": "",
          "IPRange": ""
  2. Creating mysql container and attaching it to network

    const mysql = await docker.container.create({
    Image: 'mysql:5.7',
    Hostname: + '-mysql',
    Names: ['/' + + '-mysql'],
    NetworkingConfig: {
      EndpointsConfig: {
        [ + '_network']: {
          Aliases: [ + '-mysql']
    Restart: 'always',
    Args: [
    Env: [
    await network.connect({
    await mysql.start();
  3. Then I wait Mysql to boot, create needed databases and needed Prisma containers from prismagraphql/prisma:1.1 and start them. App server resolves mysql host correctly, but connections are dropped by mysql.

Telnet from app container to mysql container in 3306 port responds correctly:

5.7.21U;uH  Kem']#45T]2mysql_native_password

What am I doing wrong?


Vaibhav picture Vaibhav · Jul 15, 2020

Check the below:

  • max_allowed_packets
  • wait_timeout
  • net_read_timeout

Also monitor MySQL process list during the issue to identify timeouts.