Fetching NULL datetime value in MySQL using GORM

duggu picture duggu · Feb 21, 2018 · Viewed 8.1k times · Source

I want to fetch the last visit_details row having out_time as NULL using Gorm. NIL is itself a type where VisitDetail OutTime is mysql.NullTime.


var visitDetail models.VisitDetail
db.Where("out_time=? ", nil).Last(&visitDetail)

//model VisitDetails
type VisitDetail struct {
    Id              int
    Visitor         Visitor  `gorm:"foreignkey:ClientId;association_foreignkey:Id"`
    VisitorId       int      `gorm:"not null;"`
    Location        Location `gorm:"foreignkey:LocationId;association_foreignkey:Id"`
    LocationId      int      `gorm:"not null;"`
    Purpose         string
    InTime          time.Time `gorm:"not null;"`
    OutTime         mysql.NullTime
    User            User `gorm:"foreignkey:ClientId;association_foreignkey:Id"`
    UserId          int  `gorm:"not null;"`
    Status          int  `gorm:"not null;"`
    ApproveByClient int  `gorm:"not null;"`


select * from visit_details where out_time is NULL order by id desc limit 1;
| id | visitor_id | location_id | purpose | in_time             | out_time | user_id | status | approve_by_client |
| 20 |          1 |           8 |         | 2018-02-20 17:13:25 | NULL     |    1609 |      0 |                 0 |
1 row in set (0.04 sec)


Emmanuel Vlad picture Emmanuel Vlad · Feb 21, 2018

You can set OutTime as a pointer so that it could be null. As seen in the doc:

type YourStruct struct {
     OutTime *time.Time

Then run your query

db.Where("out_time = ?", nil).Last(&visitDetail)