What is the best table structure to store dialogs between users in private messages? Each user can send personal message to many recepients. Each message has flag for sender: is message deleted or not Each message has flag for receiver: is message unread, read or deleted Each message can be deleted (set flag 'deleted')
PrivateMessages' main page should look like this:
E.g. User1 sends Message1 to User2 and User3. On private message page I have to show 2 same messages:
next step - User2 replies to Message2, I'll see on the same page following:
next step, I answer to message3, I'll see
and so on.
Can anyone provide a table-structure? I'm using MySQL 5.5
Main question. How can I get only the last non-deleted message of each dialog?
I need to see on main page dialog list, between current user and other users (with pagination, sorted by Date DESC).
I will answer your main question first, then show the table structure I will use for this.
To get only the last non-deleted message of a particular dialog:
from Message
join Junc_Message_To on Fk_Message = Message.Id
where Junc_Message_To.Fk_User = {RECIPIENT_ID}
and Message.Fk_User__From = {SENDER_ID}
and Junc_Message_To.Deleted is null
order by Junc_Message_To.Sent desc
limit 1
A simple three table structure could be used.
Table 1 stores user records - one record per user.
Table 2 stores message record - one record per message, foreign key relates to the user that sent the message.
Table 3 stores the correlation between messages and users that have had the messages sent to them.
Here is the SQL that is used to create the above table diagram:
create table `User` (
`Id` int not null auto_increment ,
`Username` varchar(32) not null ,
`Password` varchar(32) not null ,
primary key (`Id`) ,
unique index `Username_UNIQUE` (`Username` ASC) )
engine = InnoDB
create table `Message` (
`Id` int not null auto_increment ,
`Fk_User__From` int not null ,
`Subject` varchar(256) not null ,
`Content` text not null ,
primary key (`Id`) ,
index `Fk_Message_User__From` (`Fk_User__From` ASC) ,
constraint `Fk_Message_User__From`
foreign key (`Fk_User__From` )
references `User` (`Id` )
on delete cascade
on update cascade)
engine = InnoDB
create table `Junc_Message_To` (
`Fk_Message` int not null ,
`Fk_User` int not null ,
`Sent` datetime not null ,
`Read` datetime not null ,
`Deleted` datetime not null ,
PRIMARY KEY (`Fk_Message`, `Fk_User`) ,
INDEX `Fk_Junc_Message_To__Message` (`Fk_Message` ASC) ,
INDEX `Fk_Junc_Message_To__User` (`Fk_User` ASC) ,
constraint `Fk_Junc_Message_To__Message`
foreign key (`Fk_Message` )
references `Message` (`Id` )
on delete cascade
on update cascade,
constraint `Fk_Junc_Message_To__User`
foreign key (`Fk_User` )
references `User` (`Id` )
on delete cascade
on update cascade)
engine = InnoDB