Insert the same fixed value into multiple rows

TheDelChop picture TheDelChop · Jan 14, 2011 · Viewed 116k times · Source

I've got a table with a column, lets call it table_column that is currently null for all rows of the table. I'd like to insert the value "test" into that column for all rows. Can someone give me the SQL for this?

I've tried INSERT INTO table (table_column) VALUES ("test"); but that only populates that last row. How do I do all of the rows at once?


Brad Christie picture Brad Christie · Jan 14, 2011

You're looking for UPDATE not insert.

UPDATE mytable
SET    table_column = 'test';

UPDATE will change the values of existing rows (and can include a WHERE to make it only affect specific rows), whereas INSERT is adding a new row (which makes it look like it changed only the last row, but in effect is adding a new row with that value).