Take the case of two tables: tbl_product
and tbl_transaction
lists product details including names and ids while tbl_transaction
lists transactions involving the products and includes dates, product-ids, customers etc.
I need to display a web-page showing 10 products and for each product, the last 5 transactions. So far, no LEFT JOIN
query seems to work and the subquery below would have worked if mysql could allow the tx.product_id=ta.product_id
part (fails with Unknown column 'ta.product_id' in 'where clause': [ERROR:1054]).
FROM tbl_product ta
LEFT JOIN (SELECT tx.transaction_date FROM tbl_transaction tx WHERE tx.product_id=ta.product_id LIMIT 5) tb
Is there a way to achieve the listing I need without using multiple queries in a loop?
This is exactly what I need from MySQL:
SELECT ta.product_id, ta.product_name, tb.transaction_date ...
FROM tbl_product ta
LEFT JOIN tbl_transaction tb ON (tb.product_id=ta.product_id LIMIT 5)
Of course this is illegal, but I really wish it wasn't!
This is where ranking functions would be very useful. Unfortunately, MySQL does not yet support them. Instead, you can try something like the following.
Select ta.product_id, ta.product_name
, tb.transaction_date
From tbl_product As ta
Left Join (
Select tx1.product_id, tx1.transaction_id, tx1.transaction_date
, (Select Count(*)
From tbl_transaction As tx2
Where tx2.product_id = tx1.product_id
And tx2.transaction_id < tx1.transaction_id) As [Rank]
From tbl_transaction As tx1
) as tb
On tb.product_id = ta.product_id
And tb.[rank] <= 4
Limit 10