How to quickly prune large tables?

Electro picture Electro · Jul 11, 2010 · Viewed 11.5k times · Source

I currently have a MySQL table of about 20 million rows, and I need to prune it. I'd like to remove every row whose updateTime (timestamp of insertion) was more than one month ago. I have not personally performed any alterations of the table's order, so the data should be in the order in which it was inserted, and there is a UNIQUE key on two fields, id and updateTime. How would I go about doing this in a short amount of time?


Will Hartung picture Will Hartung · Jul 11, 2010

How much down time can you incur? How big are the rows? How many are you deleting?

Simply put, deleting rows is one of the most expensive things you can do to a table. It's just a horrible thing overall.

If you don't have to do it, and you have the disk space for it, and your queries aren't affected by the table size (well indexed queries typically ignore table size), then you may just leave well enough alone.

If you have the opportunity and can take the table offline (and you're removing a good percentage of the table), then your best bet would be to copy the rows you want to keep to a new table, drop the old one, rename the new one to the old name, and THEN recreate your indexes.

Otherwise, you're pretty much stuck with good 'ol delete.