I am getting the error listed above when trying to connect to my MySQL server via SSH public key in Navicat. I have searched endlessly trying to find a solution to this. I have made sure that the AllowTCP option is enabled, and I have tried setting the hostname to localhost and but neither of them work, it only changes the error to Connection Refused.
Here are my connection properties:
(General Tab) Hostname/IP Address: mydomain.com Port: 3306 Username: myusername Password: mypassword
(SSH Tab) Hostname/IP Address: mydomain.com (have also tried localhost/ Port: 3850 (this is the correct port) Username: myusername Authentication Method: Public Key Private Key: C:\Path\To\My\Key Passphrase: mySSHpassword
I know that probably isn't much help because there's not really any "settings" other than the ports, which I know are correct.
I am running these exact same credentials on my Macbook which runs SequelPro and it works flawlessly, so I'm lost as to why I can't get it working on my PC through Navicat.
Thanks for any help you can provide.
The General tab would be set to localhost (or and the username and password would be the database credentials, not the host credentials.
Then the SSH tab would be your host with the username password you use to ssh to the host. It should be the normal ssh port 22.