Trying to change Liferay
password for default user using the following procedure as documented in . The steps are as follows:
1. Go to the user_ table in the database.
2. Find the user you want to gain access to.
3. Set the password_ field to some plain text password.
4. Set the passwordEncrypted field to 0.
5. Set the passwordReset field to 1.
6. Restart Liferay
Log in.
Based on the above steps , I am executing the following command to change the password.
mysql> update user_ set passwordEncrypted=0, password_='password', passwordReset=1 where userId=10196;
After executing the above command , I started liferay and tried to login with the default user '[email protected]'
using the new password , but the authentication is still failing.
Kindly suggest .
Change password to 'test' using sql:
UPDATE User_ SET password_='qUqP5cyxm6YcTAhz05Hph5gvu9M=' WHERE emailAddress='[email protected]';