Using mysqlimport where the filename is different from the table name

Mike Q picture Mike Q · Mar 24, 2010 · Viewed 11.4k times · Source

I've been playing with mysqlimport and I've run into the restriction where the filename has to be the same as the table name. Is there any way to work round this?

I can't rename the file as it is used by other processes and I don't want to copy the file as there will be many of them, some being very large.

I want to use mysqlimport not LOAD INFILE.

EDIT: Unfortunately this needs to run on windows so no tricks with symbolic links I'm afraid.


Craig picture Craig · Mar 24, 2010

You didn't say what platform you are on. On unix you can create a symbolic link to the file:

ln -s filename.txt tablename.txt

Then use that in the mysqlimport command.

But mysqlimport is just a command line interface to LOAD INFILE so you could also do this on the command line:

mysql -e "load data infile 'filename' into table TBL_NAME" dbname