Getting hierarchy data from self-referencing tables

Emanuil Rusev picture Emanuil Rusev · Feb 4, 2010 · Viewed 17.3k times · Source

Let's say you have the following table:

items(item_id, item_parent)  

... and it is a self-referencing table - item_parent refers to item_id.

What SQL query would you use to SELECT all items in the table along with their depth where the depth of an item is the sum of all parents and grand parents of that item.

If the following is the content of the table:

item_id     item_parent
----------- -----------
1           0          
2           0            
3           2          
4           2          
5           3          

... the query should retrieve the following set of objects:


P.S. I'm looking for a MySQL supported approach.


Andrew picture Andrew · Feb 4, 2010

If the database is SQL 2005 / 2008 then...

The easiest way to get this is using a CTE (Common Table Expression) that is designed to recurse.

 WITH myCTE (Item_id, Depth)
    Select Item_ID, 0 as Depth From yourTable where Item_Parent=0
    Union ALL
    Select yourTable.Item_ID, Depth + 1 
    From yourTable 
    inner join myCte on yourTable.item_Parent = myCte.Item_Id

 Select Item_id, Depth from myCTE

The output is as follows:

Item_Id  Depth
    1   0
    2   0
    3   1
    4   1
    5   2

From that you can format it as you wish.