What's the default password of mariadb on fedora?

Tony picture Tony · Nov 28, 2013 · Viewed 220.8k times · Source

I installed mysql through yum just now and the OS fedora installed mariadb for me. I know mariadb is a new branch of mysql, but I can't understand why it does not ask me for setting the password. I have tried for 123456 and so on, but I failed. My fedora is new, and this is the first time to install mysql/mariadb. What should I do for it?


Alex Angelico picture Alex Angelico · Sep 16, 2016

I had the same problem. It's true the password is empty, but even so the error message is shown. The solution is just using "sudo" so

$ sudo mysql

will open the mysql tool

For securing the database, you should use sudo again.

$ sudo mysql_secure_installation