I am trying to create a web app using ASP.Net MVC3, Entity Framework and MySQL.
I have added the following code to my Web.Config file.
<add name="ContactContext" connectionString="server=localhost;database=contacts;uid=root;pwd=password;" providerName="MySql.Data.MySqlClient"/>
I also have created "Person" Model , "ContactContext" in the project "Contact_Me". When I try to create a "ContactController" including Person Model and Contact context, it gives me the following error
"Unable to retrieve metadata for "Connect_Me.Models.Persons". The provider did not return a ProviderManifestToken string"
MYSQ & MVC3 SQL connection error \ ProviderManifestToken but I am using MySQL, this is the closest question to mine. But the answer didn't solve my problem.
Thanks in advance
I know this may be very basic for a couple of you guys, but this exception is also thrown in cases where EF is unable to locate a Connection String to use. If you-re working in a multi-layered application, make sure the connection String is added to your client application, instead of the class library that contains you data access code. Just my 2 cents.