Top "Mybatis" questions

MyBatis is a framework for mapping objects to relational databases with an emphasis on high performance and simplicity.

Mybatis Spring multiple databases Java configuration

I'm working with Spring and Mybatis and I have two databases, the configuration for the first database was relative easy, …

java spring mybatis
Log SQL queries in project using MyBatis and Spring

In my project i have <bean id="ABCSessionFactory" class="org.mybatis.spring.SqlSessionFactoryBean"> <property name="dataSource" ref="…

spring logging log4j mybatis ibatis
How to pass an Integer Array to IN clause in MyBatis

There is a query in my Mybatis containing an IN clause which is basically a set of Id's ( Integers) I …

java jakarta-ee mybatis
Calling Oracle stored procedures with MyBatis

I am in the process of moving our database over to Oracle from SQL Server 2008 but cannot get MyBatis to …

java oracle cursor ibatis mybatis
Returning values from MyBatis <insert> mapped methods

I have a Java project that uses MyBatis to access a PostgreSQL database. PostgreSQL allows to return fields of a …

postgresql mybatis
MyBatis-Spring + @Configuration - Can't autowire mapper beans

I have been trying to create a Spring project that uses MyBatis for the data access layer as a proof …

spring mybatis
How to Iterate through HashMap in MyBatis foreach?

I'm trying to produce a sql which is as below in mybatis. SELECT COL_C FROM TBLE_1 WHERE (COL_A, …

java sql foreach mybatis
"Type interface is not known to the MapperRegistry" exception using mybatis

I'm setting up mybatis using annotations, and getting this helpful exception org.apache.ibatis.binding.BindingException: Type interface…

java ibatis mybatis
Java MyBatis stored procedure call with OUT parameters

First question: I am trying to return one OUT parameter and not a result set with annotations. First, is it …

java stored-procedures mybatis out-parameters
Passing multiple arguments into a SELECT without using a complex object

I am trying to pass in startSequenceId, stopSequenceId, orderNumber into the SQL map, however, i don't wish to use a …

ibatis mybatis