Top "Mutable" questions

A mutable can be modified after it is created.

Why are integers immutable in Python?

I understand the differences between mutable and immutable objects in Python. I have read many posts discussing the differences. However, …

python immutability mutable
Android mutable bitmap

Can someone please explain to me what a mutable bitmap is? What advantages/disadvantages or what limitations do mutable and …

android bitmap immutability mutable
Passing parameters to lambda in C++

I seems to miss some point in lambda mechanism in C++. Here is the code: std::vector<int> …

c++ lambda parameters mutable
Swift - How to mutate a struct object when iterating over it

I am still not sure about the rules of struct copy or reference. I want to mutate a struct object …

swift struct copy mutable
How to mutate a list with a function in python?

Here's a pseudocode I've written describing my problem:- func(s): #returns a value of s x = a list of …

python function mutable
are user defined classes mutable

Say I want to create a class for car, tractor and boat. All these classes have an instance of engine …

python class immutability mutable
F#: let mutable vs. ref

First, I acknowledge the possibility that this question could be a duplicate; just let me know. I'm curious what the …

f# mutable
Correct alternative to a 'mutable function' in c++

I often have a problem with const correctness when wrapping algorithms in classes in c++. I feel that I want …

c++ mutable
Sort data from a MutableList in Kotlin

I'm new to Kotlin and need to ask some questions about ordering a MutableList<MyObject>. As I understand …

list kotlin mutable
Scala immutable map, when to go mutable?

My present use case is pretty trivial, either mutable or immutable Map will do the trick. Have a method that …

scala map immutability mutable use-case