Top "Multimap" questions

A container similar to a map but allowing duplicate keys

How can I get all the unique keys in a multimap

I have a multimap and I want get all the unique keys in it to be stored in a vector. …

c++ stl std multimap
How to iterate/count for a multimap<string,string>

My class is like this: class Outgoing { multimap<string,string> outgoing; public: void makeConnection(string key, string value) { …

c++ stl map multimap
When does using a std::multimap make sense

I am currently experimenting on some usage of stl-datastructures. However I am still not sure when to use which one …

c++ performance stl multimap
Having a Multimap sorted on keys only in Java

I would like to have a c.g.c.c.Multimap that is sorted based on keys only. The values …

java sorting guava multimap
What's the advantage of multimap over map of vectors?

I don't understand why multimap exists if we can create map of vectors or map of sets. For me only …

c++ stl map multimap
Why does multimap allow duplicate key-value pairs?

EDIT: Please note, I'm NOT asking why multimap can't contain duplicate keys. What's the rationale behind multimap allowing duplicate key-value …

c++ multimap
is there an iterator across unique keys in a std::multimap?

Is there a simple or standard way to have a multimap iterator which iterate across unique keys in a multimap? …

c++ multimap
High-performance Concurrent MultiMap Java/Scala

I am looking for a high-performance, concurrent, MultiMap. I have searched everywhere but I simply cannot find a solution that …

java scala concurrency multimap
How can I insert elements into a multimap?

I want to set up a multimap in C++ as follows: multimap<pair<string, string>, vector<…

c++ dictionary insert containers multimap
How to remove a specific pair from a C++ multimap?

#include <map> ... multimap<char,int> mymap; mymap.insert(pair<char,int>('a',10)); mymap.insert(…

c++ containers multimap