Multidimensional-arrays can be described as multi-dimensional tables.
Is there a way to convert a multidimensional array to a stdClass object in PHP? Casting as (object) doesn't seem …
php object multidimensional-array stdclassI have a 4D array of measurements in MATLAB. Each dimension represents a different parameter for the measurement. I want …
matlab multidimensional-array indexing max minHere is what I am using: class something { char flags[26][80]; } a; std::fill(&a.flags[0][0], &a.flags[0][0] + 26 * 80, 0); (Update: …
c++ arrays algorithm multidimensional-array fillIm not clearly sure what is the difference between those 2. My professor wrote that **array is same as *array[] and …
c pointers multidimensional-array dynamic-memory-allocationDoes anyone know how to count the occurrences of "photo" in this array: Array ( [0] => stdClass Object ( [type] => photo […
php facebook-graph-api multidimensional-array count find-occurrencesI am learning tensorflow, I picked up the following code from the tensorflow website. According to my understanding, axis=0 is …
python tensorflow multidimensional-array reduce tensorWhy can't I index an ndarray using a list of tuple indices like so? idx = [(x1, y1), ... (xn, yn)] X[…
numpy multidimensional-array indicesI have looked at the php documentation, tutorials online and none of them how usort is actually working. I have …
php sorting multidimensional-array usortI need to convert the following collection into double[,]: var ret = new List<double[]>(); All the arrays in …
c# linq multidimensional-array jagged-arraysI am using doctrine 2.1 in order to create a model for settings table: id | arg | value | category 1 | name | foo | general_…
php multidimensional-array doctrine-orm doctrine