Multicore programming covers techniques for making programs run in parallel, by exploiting hardware with multiple processing cores.
According to Wikipedia, an "embarrassingly parallel" problem is one for which little or no effort is required to separate the …
multithreading concurrency terminology parallel-processing multicoreI've been reading the "Real World Haskell" book, the chapter on concurrency and parallelism. My question is as follows: Since …
multithreading haskell concurrency multicore lightweight-processesI'm confused about the notion of "spark" Is it a thread in Haskell? Or is the action of spawning a …
multithreading haskell parallel-processing multicoreAs someone in the world of HPC who came from the world of enterprise web development, I'm always curious to …
concurrency scalability parallel-processing multicoreI want to use the Hardware Performance Counters that come with the Intel and AMD x86_64 multicore processors to calculate …
c++ c linux multithreading multicoreI need to ensure in a code portion (in kernel mode) that no one else can modify/check the CR0 …
linux-kernel multicore interrupt spinlockI have six SQL queries that I script though R that each take a very long time (~30 minutes each). Once …
sql r parallel-processing multicore