Top "Multi-index" questions

A multi-index (also known as a hierarchical index) allows the manipulation of higher-dimensional data in a 2-dimensional tabular structure.

pandas get_level_values for multiple columns

Is there a way to get the result of get_level_values for more than one column? Given the following …

python python-3.x pandas dataframe multi-index
Reorder levels of MultiIndex in a pandas DataFrame

I have a DataFrame that looks something like this: >>> df = pd.DataFrame(index=pd.MultiIndex.from_tuples([(…

python pandas dataframe multi-index
Join dataframes - one with multiindex columns and the other without

I'm trying to join two dataframes - one with multiindex columns and the other with a single column name. They …

python pandas join multi-index
Pandas Multiindex Groupby on Columns

Is there anyway to use groupby on the columns in a Multiindex. I know you can on the rows and …

python pandas group-by multi-index